Sunday 31 January 2010

New Year, New Me....(I hope!)

I finally decided this year it was time to lose weight...for good this time, for my children, my husband, but most importantly for myself and my health. I have lost some weight myself over the past few months but really set my mind to do it properly, so I signed up to Weight Watchers.

The first weigh in day, I was very nervous going in by myself but it was good to be there. I weighed in at 20st 11lb. I wasn't happy with this but I have been heavier. My 10% goal was set at 18st 10lb, so a little way to go.

After telling my mother-in-law what I was doing she decided to come with me and the 2nd weigh in was much better not going alone. I had lost 5.5lb and I was extatic!

I feel like I have been having a really good week this week and even eating things I wouldn't normally eat, like fried bacon (healthy kind)! I am really enjoying the foods I am eating and walking alot more. I am finding that as a family we are spending more time in the kitchen together, talking, playing and dancing whilst I prepare the meals. I really like this - bring on more!

My hubby Simon has been really supportive of me since I started WW. He has always complimented me and I haven't always received it well. Now that I am beginning to feel more positive about myself, I am enjoying the praise much more - Thank you darling.

So 3rd weigh in Wednesday and I am hoping for a 2lb loss. I would still be happy with 1 though, each one lost is a step towards a healthier me!

Keep you posted.