Wednesday 31 March 2010

heaving a sigh of relief....

This week I have felt really disheartened by the whole process. My motivation was not lost but my confidence certainly was. It seems as though last week's gain bothered me more that I thought it did. The closer WI came the worse I felt. I hadn't been cheating or binging but my belief had really gone. I felt as though all the hormones raging caused by the implant and my Hashimotos would remove the control I have with this weightloss. That even though I would continue following the plan, that they would prevent it from working.

This morning I was convinced I had gained, despite there being no logic to it (I had stuck to plan). At WI I hardly dared look at the scales, but was most relieved to have lost 1.5. That completely reduced last week's gain to a mere blip on the horison. I feel that it was very significant for me to lose all of what I had gained so that I now have a clean slate again. I know that I didn't do anything wrong to cause the gain but I guess it was a lesson to myself in how fragile my new found confidence is - something I guess all us WWers face.

So now I feel more upbeat about it again (sounds fickle I know) and Simon bought me a WW pedometer plus today - not got it set up properly yet! I feel being aware of my activity will spur me on more, even on days we cannot get out of the house in bad weather.

I am looking forward to enjoying this week more than the last (and my pointed cadbury's creme egg on Sunday).

Keep well everyone,

Sarah x

Wednesday 24 March 2010

What goes around.......

...definately comes back to bite you on the bum!!!! I was a bit gutted at WI today to find out I had gained 1.5lb. I have stuck to the plan faithfully this week, not gone 1 point over. My eating has been well under control even despite receiving an eviction notice and the landlord continuing to be a complete git! I actually feel proud of myself for not binging to ease the stress and emotion under the circumstances.

Admittedly, we haven't been out and about walking much at all. Daniel has another chest infection, caused by the damp in the flat we live in (but not for much longer YAY!)so we have been stuck indoors. I didn't think that would cause a gain, so it must be last weeks hormonal eating catching up with me. I thought I had paid enough points back to cover it but seemingly not.

I am not too disappointed though as it was not something I could help. The offending article, namely my contraceptive implant has been removed today. It has been fine using it up until this point but my doctor thinks it was so close to the end of it's life (had it in 2 years and 11 months) it just made things go a bit loopy. It did however, just have to give me a last kick in it's dying breaths though - it would not come out and the doctor practically had to rip my arm off to get it out. I now have a round hole in my arm about 1-2cm deep and its covered in butterfly stitches (maybe no swimming on Sunday :( boo) and it is very bruised.

Plan this week is just to continue as normal and the weightloss will catch up in its own time. I hope!!!!

Sorry but I am keeping it short this week due to the my arm being so sore. Catch up with you all next week.

Sarah x

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Suprise, Suprise...... I haven't just morphed into Cilla Black, but I am absolutely amazed with WI today. I lost 3lb, which is fantastic but have no idea how. This week has been a bit of a rollercoaster hormonally. To cut a long story short, my contraceptive implant is almost expired (my first ever one) and it's suddenly made my body throw a bit of a wobbly to say the least! I spent over a week with everyone including my GP thinking I must be pregnant (morning sickness, breast changes, being emotional etc). It turns out that it is just the implant (thank goodness - we don't want another one yet) and I will be having it out in the next 7-10 days. Unfortunately, the hormones made me really hungry and I totally pigged over the weekend and went way over my points. I did have some activity points but not enough to cover it so spent the rest of the week "paying back points". Eventually the points tallied up but I thought it would be a miracle if I didn't have a gain but I wasn't too worried about it under the circumstances. But no a big 3 and that gave me a 3rd Silver 7 whoop whoop. So I have now lost 21 lbs in 8 weeks at weight watchers to add to the 29 I lost before I joined, making a grand total of 50 lbs! Needless to say I feel really good about this :). Bring on the next 50lbs please.

So on to this WW week. Well it is Megan's 7th birthday tomorrow and we are having a little tea party on Friday (so Nanny can come). I will be making my 0 point soup tomorrow so that I can have some before the party. I have got some WW friendly treats for myself and Simon's Mum (also at ww) and pointed it all up already so not worried about that at all. I wanted us to be able to enjoy it without worrying about points so planned it all well in advance.

I just hope more weeks can be as good as this for WW. As far as excercise goes this week, I would like to try to fit in at least 1 more structured activity. I have let that fall by the wayside the last few weeks, but have been walking 1-2 hours a day (it seems to fit in more easily to our lives). I am serious about the Race for Life so I think I may have to step it up a gear soon. I will see how this week goes.

Sarah x

Wednesday 10 March 2010


Not a bad week at all. This week has been a week of walking, I think we did a total of approximately 15 hours in all!!! I think we averaged 60 to 90 minutes per day and on Saturday it was 4 hours! We decided to leave the car at home and take the children, with Simon's mum on the train to Carlisle. The children loved it, Daniel has never been on a train before and Megan was about 3 the last time. I made a picnic lunch and pointed everything, including some WW goodies so that we didn't feel like we were missing out. I also found some WW mini cookies in Tesco that were 1.5 points per bag and we all had them at Costa with our "skinny" hot chocolate!

I was planning to do Fast Start this week and did follow it for at least half the week without any problems. Then after speaking to some other WW members I became concerned about the number of activity points I was earning and not eating. Lots of people have said that you must eat half of your activity points or your body will go into starvation mode. So I decided to end the Fast Start and eat up activity points to try to prevent this happening. Most of the time I felt like I was eating just to use up the points and usually on bad things. More fool me!!!

I got to WI this week concerned as to how it would go with all the messing about changing plan and then almost gorging at the end of my week. I had lost half a pound. I was pleased but a little frustrated to say the least. I didn't feel it was right eating all those points when I wasn't hungry and I didn't listen to myself. I am a little dissapointed that I was "following instructions" and it didn't do me all that good. I am however, still very happy that I have continued to lose (albeit only a little) making my total 18lbs since I joined at the end of January.

This week I am going back to basics. I am just going to follow the plan on my 24 points a day. I will try to excercise everyday, whether that be walking or something more vigorous, but I am not going to specifically schedule anything in. I will tally up my activity points, but only so I know I have a little leeway if I do feel hungry and want something else to eat. I have had smaller and smaller losses over the past 3 weeks and I would just like it if I could be averaging 2lb a week. Then I would be a happy bunny!!

and finally, NOTE TO SELF: Always listen to my own body and not other peoples hot air!!!!!

Sarah x

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Great Week......

This week has been great! On Wednesday evening, Simon and I managed to get out (for the first time in almost a year) and it was a lovely evening. We played snooker and got a pizza each on the way home. I checked the points online before we went out an I had a Dominos personal (the smallest) farmhouse pizza all to myself - and loved every bite!! I filled up on zero point veggies with my meals that day and had 6.5 points left to go towards my pizza. It was 10.5 points so I had to "pay back" 4 , which I did by cutting my points a little throughout the week.

I set myself a goal this week of clamping down on the nibbling. Well, it took me until Sunday to nail it completely but I haven't nibbled since and I am still very aware of of myself in the kitchen. Earlier in the week we had some humourous moments where "extra bits" made it as far as inside my mouth before I even realised what I was doing. Previously I would have said "what the hell..." but not this week... and out they came. So I am really pleased with my awareness this week.

On the exercise front this week things did not go as I planned. My shoulder niggle (from a car accident a few years back) returned and I was worried that if I pushed it with the ballet and the treadmill, I could be out of action longer. Rather than not bother at all, I switched my normal routine for extra walking with Simon and the children, and with that and the Splash Club on Sunday I still managed to rack up 14.5 Activity Points (which I did not use). I even had a Creme Egg last night (pointed) without using my earned points.

All in all this week I feel that I have made much better use of my points allowance. I have had plenty of fruits and veggies, wholegrains, dairy and proteins, even had a treat and I have felt much better for it. I feel that my attitude towards food and my diet (in the "healthy diet" sense) is changing everyday. I feel fuller more, I am drinking plenty of fluids, I am really enjoying what I am eating and it is much more varied than before. I feel I am less bothered about sweet things on a regular basis, it feels like I am developing a more normal relationship with food. It's not that I am no longer interested in sweet treets or that I am denying myself, I am just not really thinking about food as much (unless I am planning meals ahead) whereas I used to think about food lots. Also, I am finding I am much more particular about what treat things I have, I want good value for my points, that way I really enjoy what I eat and it does not leave me wanting for more!

Weigh in was a success this morning. I didn't feel as though I would have lost anything this week. TOTM kicked in this morning and I wasn't expecting it (I have been a little irregular since starting WW, probably due to the losses and sudden exercise) but I was happy to see I had lost 1.5lb, even after having the pizza at the start of my week. I was well chuffed!

So to this week, exercise regime will be back to normal as of this evening. I have also decided to give Fast Start a try this week to help give me a boost on the Stone for Easter challenge on the WW message boards. That means this week I will be living on 20 points plus a pint of skimmed milk a day, rather than my current 24 points. I think I should be fine, I made some zero pointed soup today so that should help me along. Hopefully next week will bring a nice 3 or maybe even 4 pound loss. Fingers crossed........

Sarah x